1. Every player registering for a Courtroom Program will be drafted onto a team through an open draft system. Special
request, such as playing for a certain coach, on a certain team, or with a certain teammate
will not be considered.
2. I, the parent/guardian of the above-named candidate for a position on a courtroom team, hereby give my approval for the
child to participate in any and all programs or activities during the season. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to
such participation, including, but not limited to transportation to and from activities; and I do hereby individually, and for
and on behalf of the child waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless Courtroom Basketball, The
Gatorade Fieldhouse, the owners, organizers, officials, employees, sponsors, and participants, from any claim for property
damage, personal injury, and/or death arising out of an injury to my child or damage to property.
3. I, the parent/guardian of the above-named player, understand that he/she is participating in a team sport and the
participation policies set forth by Courtroom Basketball apply to the registration of the above-named player.
4. I, the parent/guardian give permission to Courtroom Basketball to release my child’s contact information to the coach.